Nau mai haere mai ki Te Tai o Awatea
To the Four Winds, to all the many waka throughout the motu, welcome to our website aptly named, “Te Tai-o-Awatea.”
Our initiative is to connect the local peoples and Māori within Te Tai-o-Aorere (Tasman Bay region) with the sacred treasures of our forebears. We are actively involved in programmes that seek to fulfill the needs of those who desire to learn our native language of Aotearoa and its teachings.
Therefore, welcome, welcome, welcome…
About Us:
He tarahiti ohaoha a Te Tai-o-Awatea e tū ana ki te takiwā o Te Tai-o-Aorere. Ko tō mātou moemoeā kia whakapiki ake te ‘mauri-ora’ o ngā whānau i roto i ēnei taonga tuku iho, ā, kia puritia ngā mātauranga o tua-whakarere a ngā rā e haere mai nei hei oranga mō ngā uri whakaheke o Aotearoa.
Te Tai-o-Awatea means ‘sunrise waters’. Our kaupapa was born from the mauri of the sunrise on the waters at a time of the day when we are close to our tūpuna.
We are guided by our three guiding whetū:
- Te reo Māori
- Tūhononga (connections to te taiao, each other and taonga tuku iho)
- Whakarauora (revitalisation)
Te Tai-o-Awatea creates culturally safe spaces for our Māori Community to reconnect on a regular basis with taonga tuku iho.
Our programmes range from ‘Waka kōrero, Mau Rākau, sailing waka and Whānau Reo, with more to come!
Our programs connect whānau, increase their wellbeing and support them in their tino rangatiratanga so they and their mokopuna can thrive.
Te Tai-o-Awatea promote and support events and education that increase revitalisation of taonga tuku iho. All of these events promote health and wellbeing especially of tangata whenua, and promote a deepening understanding and knowledge of Māoritanga
One of our primary aims is to showcase our local Māori businesses, artists, practitioners in kaupapa Māori who uphold taonga tuku iho. We are working on our directory, come back and take a look soon!
Cultural Education
Te Tai-o-Awatea provide cultural education experiences to individuals, organisations and businesses who wish to learn more about te ao Māori, te reo Māori me ōna tikanga and taonga tuku iho.