About Us

Our kaupapa was established in 2021, to carry the aspirations of our iwi Māori here in the Motueka rohe to once again hear our language and see our culture thriving in our local environment. We want to give our people the opportunity to re-learn our language and tikanga in the environment they evolved out of - on the moana, in the bush, on the papakāinga and in connection with one another.
Our main aim is to help reconnect our local Māori community with our taonga tuku iho - the treasures handed down by our ancestors - in a way that makes sense to our people.
Our kaupapa is guided by the following guiding whetū:
Te reo Māori
Tūhononga - connections
to te taiao, each other and taonga tuku iho
Whakarauora - revitalisation
Ngā Kaihoe-o-runga:
We are a group that is passionate about the Māori world. Our work is to guide and support our local community, whānau and iwi to connect with our sacred treasures, our language, the performing arts, weaponry, sea-faring on our waka so that the Pā harakeke would thrive.
Our aim is to care for and support our people within aspects Māori, to teach the language, its practises and its practical applications that pertain to these sacred treasures.
Our Values
- Whakawhirinaki = Relationships within our 'kaupapa’ are based on ‘high trust’
- Aroha, tētahi-ki-tētahi = love and compassion towards others
- Kia ngawari te tikanga, kia pai te ngākau = be flexible and good at heart
- Kia pono ki te kaupapa = be true to the purpose of working together
- Mā te katoa e whakahaere = collective leadership
- Kia hohou nei i te rongo = maintain peace throughout

What makes us different?
Our pursuit of Te Reo Māori, our relationships and our environment are an inherent part of our kaupapa that lash our waka together, this is how we revitalize our taonga tuku iho.
Te Poari o Te Tai-o-Awatea

Lee-Anne Jago
Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Māhuta, Ngāti Pukeko
Lee-Anne's passion is with moana and te taiao. She founded ‘Waka Abel Tasman’ with her husband Todd and loves to manaaki manuhiri as a kaiarahi (guide). Lee-Anne brings business skills and sees the many benefits of all flourishing through mutual support.
Lee-Anne’s Tetramap elements are: Fire and Water.

Keri Tākao
Tūhoe, Te Ātiawa, Ngāti Rārua, Ngāti Tama ki te Tau Ihu
Keri brings a lightness to Te Tai o Awatea, he is our cultural pou. Keri has taught Te Reo Māori for a lifetime and supports and encourages whānau to practice our cultural traditions. Keri is a broad and creative thinker.
Keri’s Tetramap elements are: Fire, Water and Air.

Hineora Mcleod Bennett (Wairua Taiao, tomorrows leader)
Ngāti Rārua, Te Ātiawa
Hineora brings a younger perspective to the board. Hineora is a business owner of The Village Cafe and entrepreneur creating change within the Māori commerce space. Her businesses have strong sustainable elements which give back and support change at a community level
Air and Water

Renee Kahukura-Iosefa
Ngāti Kahungunu, Rongomaiwahine, Waikato Tainui, Ngāti Rārua, Te Ātiawa
Renee is a native speaker of te reo Māori and brings the skill of communication to Te Tai-o-Awatea. Renee is an inspirational thinker and supports positive change within many sectors, bringing mātauranga to the forefront.
Renee’s Tetramap Elements are: Water and Air.

Todd Jago
Ngāti Raukawa
Todd brings a lifetime of mahi within the outdoor sector. He has taught hundreds how to keep people safe while experiencing te taiao, in particular Tangaroa’s domains, the water environments. Todd Jago created ‘Waka Abel Tasman’ with Lee-Anne, Todd is our safety guy and a master at logistics. Todd also sits on ‘Te Hau Kōmaru’, the National Wakahourua (sailing waka) Board.
Todd’s Tetramap elements are: Air and Earth.